
ŠKODA AUTO a.s. is a Czech automobile manufacturer established in 1925. In 1991, it was gradually privatised to the German Volkswagen Group, becoming a partial subsidiary in 1994 and a wholly owned subsidiary in 2000. Škoda automobiles are sold in over 100 countries. In 2022, Skoda sold roughly 53,700 all-electric cars (up 9.4 percent year-over-year), which was 7.3 percent of the total market.


ŠKODA is involved in many of BatteReverse’s work packages by mainly supporting Task 1.3 Preparation of the reverse logistics AS-IS model, Task 1.4 Identification of potential risks during RL steps, Task 2.1 Development of a battery labelling and identification system, Task 2.2 Definition and harmonisation of battery data models, Task 2.3 Development of data access policies for battery passport, Task 2.4 BatteReverse Data Space deployment and validation, Task 3.1 Battery DCH combined with testing and energy recovery and Task 3.2 Initial assessment of the battery pack SoS and SoH.


Dominika Schmidtova

Veronika Kyznarova

Administrative Officer

Pavel Nedoma

Project Manager

Gabriela Havlickova

Administrative Officer

Catherine Lee Oppenheimer

Development Engineer - High Voltage Battery